Multi-environment trial of cock's foot, heading dates for 25 varieties in 7 yearsyears



A data frame with 111 observations on the following 3 variables.


genotype factor, 25 levels


year, numeric


heading date (days from April 1)


These data are heading dates (days from April 1 to heading) of 25 cock's foot Dactylis glomerata varieties in trials at Hannover, Germany, repeated over seven years. Values are means over replications.

Piepho fits a model similar to Finlay-Wilkinson regression, but with genotype and environment swapped.


Hans-Pieter Piepho. (1999). Fitting a Regression Model for Genotype-by-Environment Data on Heading Dates in Grasses by Methods for Nonlinear Mixed Models. Biometrics, 55, 1120-1128.


# \dontrun{ library(agridat) data(piepho.cocksfoot) dat <- piepho.cocksfoot dat$year <- factor(dat$year) libs(lattice) # Gaussian, not gamma distn densityplot(~date|year, data=dat, main="piepho.cocksfoot - heading date")
libs(mumm) # The mumm package can reproduce Piepho's results
#> #> Attaching package: 'mumm'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:asreml': #> #> lrt
levelplot(date ~ year*gen, dat)
# note mp(random,fixed) mod3 <- mumm(date ~ -1 + gen + (1|year) + mp(year, gen), dat) # Compare to Piepho table 3, "full maximum likelihood" mod3$sigmas^2 # variances for year:gen, residual match
#> year mp year:gen Residual #> 17.70292945 0.02944156 0.49024751
# year mp year:gen Residual # 17.70287377 0.02944158 0.49024737 # mod3$par_fix # fixed genotypes match # mod3$sdreport # estim/stderr # Estimate Std. Error # nu 49.0393183 1.55038652 # nu 42.0889493 1.67597832 # nu 45.3411252 1.59818620 # etc # mod3$par_rand # random year:gen match # $`mp year:gen` # 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 # 0.10595661 -0.05298523 0.08228274 -0.09629696 -0.11045540 0.29637268 # }