Presence of footroot disease in an endive field


A data frame with 2506 observations on the following 3 variables.






plant is diseased, Y=yes,N=no


In a field of endives, does each plant have footrot, or not? Data are binary on a lattice of 14 x 179 plants.

Modeled as an autologistic distribution.

We assume the endives are a single genotype.

Besag (1978) may have had data taken at 4 time points. This data was extracted from Friel and Pettitt. It is not clear what, if any, time point was used.

Friel does not give the dimensions. Besag is not available.


J Besag (1978). Some Methods of Statistical Analysis for Spatial Data. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 47, 77-92.


N Friel & A. N Pettitt (2004). Likelihood Estimation and Inference for the Autologistic Model. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 13:1, 232-246.


# \dontrun{ library(agridat) data(besag.endive) dat <- besag.endive # Incidence map. Figure 2 of Friel and Pettitt libs(desplot) grays <- colorRampPalette(c("#d9d9d9","#252525")) desplot(dat, disease~col*row, col.regions=grays(2), aspect = 0.5, # aspect unknown main="besag.endive - Disease incidence")
# Besag (2000) "An Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo" suggested # that the autologistic model is not a very good fit for this data. # We try it anyway. No idea if this is correct or how to interpret... libs(ngspatial)
#> Loading required package: Rcpp
#> Loading required package: batchmeans
#> batchmeans: Consistent Batch Means Estimation of Monte Carlo Standard Errors #> Version 1.0-4 created on 2020-05-07. #> copyright (c) 2012-2020, Murali Haran, Penn State University #> John Hughes #> For citation information, type citation("batchmeans"). #> Type help(package = batchmeans) to get started.
#> ngspatial: Fitting the Centered Autologistic and Sparse Spatial Generalized #> Linear Mixed Models for Areal Data #> Version 1.2-2 created on 2020-05-08. #> copyright (c) 2013-2020, John Hughes #> For citation information, type citation("ngspatial"). #> Type help(package = ngspatial) to get started.
A = adjacency.matrix(179,14) X = cbind(x=dat$col, y=dat$row) Z = as.numeric(dat$disease=="Y") m1 <- autologistic(Z ~ 0+X, A=A, control=list(confint="none")) summary(m1)
#> #> Call: #> #> autologistic(formula = Z ~ 0 + X, A = A, control = list(confint = "none")) #> #> Control parameters: #> #> confint none #> #> Coefficients: #> #> Estimate Lower Upper MCSE #> Xx -0.007824 NA NA NA #> Xy -0.144800 NA NA NA #> eta 0.806200 NA NA NA #> #> Number of iterations: 0 #>
## Coefficients: ## Estimate Lower Upper MCSE ## Xx -0.007824 NA NA NA ## Xy -0.144800 NA NA NA ## eta 0.806200 NA NA NA libs(asreml) # Now try an AR1xAR1 model. dat2 <- transform(dat, xf=factor(col), yf=factor(row), pres=as.numeric(disease=="Y")) m2 <- asreml(pres ~ 1, data=dat2, resid = ~ar1(xf):ar1(yf))
#> Model fitted using the gamma parameterization. #> ASReml 4.1.0 Mon Jan 11 17:07:46 2021 #> LogLik Sigma2 DF wall cpu #> 1 1340.117 0.128274 2505 17:07:46 0.0 #> 2 1343.298 0.128543 2505 17:07:46 0.0 #> 3 1345.676 0.129204 2505 17:07:46 0.0 #> 4 1346.278 0.129798 2505 17:07:46 0.0 #> 5 1346.331 0.130062 2505 17:07:46 0.0 #> 6 1346.331 0.130074 2505 17:07:46 0.0
# The 0/1 response is arbitrary, but there is some suggestion # of auto-correlation in the x (.17) and y (.10) directions, # suggesting the pattern is more 'patchy' than just random noise, # but is it meaningful? libs(lucid) vc(m2)
#> effect component std.error z.ratio bound %ch #> xf:yf!R 0.1301 0.003798 34 P 0 #> xf:yf!xf!cor 0.1699 0.01942 8.7 U 0 #> xf:yf!yf!cor 0.09842 0.02038 4.8 U 0
## effect component std.error z.ratio bound ## xf:yf(R) 0.1301 0.003798 34 P 0 ## xf:yf!xf!cor 0.1699 0.01942 8.7 U 0 ## xf:yf!yf!cor 0.09842 0.02038 4.8 U 0 # }