Maize yields in a multi-environment trial. Pedigree included.


A data frame with 245 observations on the following 5 variables.




male parent


female parent




yield, Mg/ha


Ten inbreds were crossed to produce a diallel without reciprocals. The 45 F1 crosses were evaluated along with 4 checks in a triple-lattice 7x7 design. Pink stem borer infestation was natural.

Experiments were performed in 1995 and 1996 at three sites in northwestern Spain: Pontevedra (42 deg 24 min N, 8 deg 38 min W, 20 m over sea), Pontecaldelas (42 deg 23 N, 8 min 32 W, 300 m above sea), Ribadumia (42 deg 30 N, 8 min 46 W, 50 m above sea).

A two-letter location code and the year are concatenated to define the environment.

The average number of larvae per plant in each environment:


Used with permission of Ana Butron.


Butron, A and Velasco, P and Ord\'as, A and Malvar, RA (2004). Yield evaluation of maize cultivars across environments with different levels of pink stem borer infestation. Crop Science, 44, 741-747.


# \dontrun{ library(agridat) data(butron.maize) dat <- butron.maize libs(reshape2) mat <- acast(dat, gen~env, value.var='yield') mat <- sweep(mat, 2, colMeans(mat)) mat.svd <- svd(mat) # Calculate PC1 and PC2 scores as in Table 4 of Butron # Comment out to keep Rcmd check from choking on ' # round(mat.svd$u[,1:2] biplot(princomp(mat), main="butron.maize", cex=.7) # Figure 1 of Butron
if(0){ # Fixme: This section is broken because synbreed has been removed from CRAN # Here we see if including pedigree information is helpful for a # multi-environment model # Including the pedigree provided little benefit # Create the pedigree ped <- dat[, c('gen','male','female')] ped <- ped[!duplicated(ped),] # remove duplicates unip <- unique(c(ped$male, ped$female)) # Unique parents unip <- unip[!] # We have to define parents at the TOP of the pedigree ped <- rbind(data.frame(gen=c("Dent","Flint"), # genetic groups male=c(0,0), female=c(0,0)), data.frame(gen=c("A509","A637","A661","CM105","EP28", "EP31","EP42","F7","PB60","Z77016"), male=rep(c('Dent','Flint'),each=5), female=rep(c('Dent','Flint'),each=5)), ped) ped[$male),'male'] <- 0 ped[$female),'female'] <- 0 } # asreml 4 if(0){ libs(asreml) ped.ainv <- ainverse(ped) m0 <- asreml(yield ~ 1+env, data=dat, random = ~ gen) m1 <- asreml(yield ~ 1+env, random = ~ vm(gen, ped.ainv), data=dat) m2 <- update(m1, random = ~ idv(env):vm(gen, ped.ainv)) m3 <- update(m2, random = ~ diag(env):vm(gen, ped.ainv)) m4 <- update(m3, random = ~ fa(env,1):vm(gen, ped.ainv)) #summary(m0)$aic #summary(m4)$aic ## df AIC ## m0 2 229.4037 ## m1 2 213.2487 ## m2 2 290.6156 ## m3 6 296.8061 ## m4 11 218.1568 p0 <- predict(m0, data=dat, classify="gen")$pvals p1 <- predict(m1, data=dat, classify="gen")$pvals p1par <- p1[1:12,] # parents p1 <- p1[-c(1:12),] # remove parents # Careful! Need to manually sort the predictions p0 <- p0[order(as.character(p0$gen)),] p1 <- p1[order(as.character(p1$gen)),] # lims <- range(c(p0$pred, p1$pred)) * c(.95,1.05) lims <- c(6,8.25) # zoom in on the higher-yielding hybrids plot(p0$predicted.value, p1$predicted.value, pch="", xlim=lims, ylim=lims, main="butron.maize", xlab="BLUP w/o pedigree", ylab="BLUP with pedigree") abline(0,1,col="lightgray") text(x=p0$predicted.value, y=p1$predicted.value, p0$gen, cex=.5, srt=-45) text(x=min(lims), y=p1par$predicted.value, p1par$gen, cex=.5, col="red") round( cor(p0$predicted.value, p1$predicted.value), 3) # Including the pedigree provided very little change } # }