The data is the yield (kg/acre) of 20 genotypes of corn at 7 locations.


A data frame with 140 observations on the following 3 variables.


genotype, 20 levels


location, 7 levels


yield, kg/acre


The data is used by Corsten & Denis (1990) to illustrate two-way clustering by minimizing the interaction sum of squares.

In their paper, the labels on the location dendrogram have a slight typo. The order of the loc labels shown is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. The correct order of the loc labels is 1 2 4 5 6 7 3.

Used with permission of Jean-Baptiste Denis.


L C A Corsten and J B Denis, (1990). Structuring Interaction in Two-Way Tables By Clustering. Biometrics, 46, 207--215. Table 1.


# \dontrun{ library(agridat) data(corsten.interaction) dat <- corsten.interaction libs(reshape2) m1 <- melt(dat, measure.var='yield') dmat <- acast(m1, loc~gen) # Corsten (1990) uses this data to illustrate simultaneous row and # column clustering based on interaction sums-of-squares. # There is no (known) function in R to reproduce this analysis # (please contact the package maintainer if this is not true). # For comparison, the 'heatmap' function clusters the rows and # columns _independently_ of each other. heatmap(dmat, main="corsten.interaction")
# }