Row-column experiment of spring barley, many varieties


A data frame with 544 observations on the following 5 variables.




bed (column)


rep, 2 levels


genotype, 272 levels


yield, tonnes/ha


Spring barley variety trial of 272 entries (260 new varieties, 12 control). Grown at the Scottish Crop Research Institute in 1998. Row-column design with 2 reps, 16 rows (north/south) by 34 beds (east/west). The land sloped downward from row 16 to row 1. Plot yields were converted to tonnes per hectare.

Plot dimensions are not given.

Used with permission of Maria Durban.


Durban, Maria and Hackett, Christine and McNicol, James and Newton, Adrian and Thomas, William and Currie, Iain. 2003. The practical use of semiparametric models in field trials, Journal of Agric Biological and Envir Stats, 8, 48-66.


Edmondson, Rodney (2020). Multi-level Block Designs for Comparative Experiments. J of Agric, Biol, and Env Stats.


# \dontrun{

  dat <- durban.rowcol
  desplot(dat, yield~bed*row,
          out1=rep, num=gen, # aspect unknown


  # Durban 2003 Figure 1
  m10 <- lm(yield~gen, data=dat)
  dat$resid <- m10$resid
  ## libs(lattice)
  ## xyplot(resid~row, dat, type=c('p','smooth'), main="durban.rowcol")
  ## xyplot(resid~bed, dat, type=c('p','smooth'), main="durban.rowcol")
  # Figure 3
  xyplot(resid ~ bed|factor(row), data=dat,


  # Figure 5 - field trend
  # note, Durban used gam package like this
  # m1lo <- gam(yield ~ gen + lo(row, span=10/16) + lo(bed, span=9/34), data=dat)
#> Loading required package: nlme
#> Attaching package: 'nlme'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     collapse
#> This is mgcv 1.8-38. For overview type 'help("mgcv-package")'.
  m1lo <- gam(yield ~ gen + s(row) + s(bed, k=5), data=dat)
  new1 <- expand.grid(row=unique(dat$row),bed=unique(dat$bed))
  new1 <- cbind(new1, gen="G001")
  p1lo <- predict(m1lo, newdata=new1)
  wireframe(p1lo~row+bed, new1, aspect=c(1,.5), main="Field trend")

  libs(asreml) # asreml4

  dat <- transform(dat, rowf=factor(row), bedf=factor(bed))
  dat <- dat[order(dat$rowf, dat$bedf),]

  m1a1 <- asreml(yield~gen + lin(rowf) + lin(bedf), data=dat,
                 random=~spl(rowf) + spl(bedf) + units,
#> Offline License checked out Fri Dec 17 15:16:56 2021
#> Model fitted using the sigma parameterization.
#> ASReml 4.1.0 Fri Dec 17 15:16:56 2021
#> Spline: design points closer than 0.0015 have been merged.
#> Spline: design points closer than 0.0033 have been merged.
#>           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
#>  1      -120.891           1.0    270 15:16:56    0.1 (1 restrained)
#>  2      -119.429           1.0    270 15:16:56    0.1 (1 restrained)
#>  3      -119.337           1.0    270 15:16:56    0.1 (1 restrained)
#>  4      -119.330           1.0    270 15:16:57    0.1 (1 restrained)
#>  5      -119.330           1.0    270 15:16:57    0.1
  m1a2 <- asreml(yield~gen + lin(rowf) + lin(bedf), data=dat,
                 random=~spl(rowf) + spl(bedf) + units,
                 resid = ~ar1(rowf):ar1(bedf))
#> Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
#> ASReml 4.1.0 Fri Dec 17 15:16:57 2021
#> Spline: design points closer than 0.0015 have been merged.
#> Spline: design points closer than 0.0033 have been merged.
#>           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
#>  1       96.2641     0.0728538    270 15:16:57    0.2
#>  2       99.9959     0.0455420    270 15:16:57    0.2 (2 restrained)
#>  3      111.7824     0.0939540    270 15:16:57    0.2
#>  4      114.3283     0.0725701    270 15:16:57    0.1
#>  5      114.8798     0.0621998    270 15:16:57    0.2
#>  6      115.1073     0.0575968    270 15:16:58    0.1
#>  7      115.2248     0.0558544    270 15:16:58    0.1
#>  8      115.2833     0.0555463    270 15:16:58    0.2
#>  9      115.3120     0.0558563    270 15:16:58    0.1
#> 10      115.3273     0.0563693    270 15:16:58    0.1
#> 11      115.3362     0.0568967    270 15:16:58    0.2
#> 12      115.3417     0.0573770    270 15:16:58    0.2
#> 13      115.3452     0.0577936    270 15:16:59    0.2
#> Warning: Log-likelihood not converged
#> Warning: Some components changed by more than 1% on the last iteration.
  m1a2 <- update(m1a2)
#> Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
#> ASReml 4.1.0 Fri Dec 17 15:16:59 2021
#> Spline: design points closer than 0.0015 have been merged.
#> Spline: design points closer than 0.0033 have been merged.
#>           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
#>  1       115.347     0.0581463    270 15:16:59    0.2
#>  2       115.348     0.0582390    270 15:16:59    0.2
#>  3       115.349     0.0585176    270 15:16:59    0.2
#>  4       115.350     0.0587488    270 15:16:59    0.2
#>  5       115.351     0.0589395    270 15:16:59    0.2
#>  6       115.351     0.0590963    270 15:17:00    0.1
#>  7       115.351     0.0592248    270 15:17:00    0.1
  m1a3 <- asreml(yield~gen, data=dat, random=~units,
                 resid = ~ar1(rowf):ar1(bedf))
#> Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
#> ASReml 4.1.0 Fri Dec 17 15:17:00 2021
#>           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
#>  1       45.6323      0.120599    272 15:17:00    0.0
#>  2       58.3809      0.047543    272 15:17:00    0.0 (2 restrained)
#>  3      110.6551      0.116261    272 15:17:00    0.0
#>  4      116.9931      0.099641    272 15:17:00    0.0
#>  5      120.3275      0.096781    272 15:17:00    0.0
#>  6      121.2251      0.114524    272 15:17:00    0.0
#>  7      121.2782      0.124018    272 15:17:00    0.0
#>  8      121.2798      0.124599    272 15:17:00    0.0

  # Figure 7
  v7a <- asr_varioGram(x=dat$bedf, y=dat$rowf, z=m1a3$residuals)
  wireframe(gamma ~ x*y, v7a, aspect=c(1,.5)) # Fig 7a

  v7b <- asr_varioGram(x=dat$bedf, y=dat$rowf, z=m1a2$residuals)
  wireframe(gamma ~ x*y, v7b, aspect=c(1,.5)) # Fig 7b

  v7c <- asr_varioGram(x=dat$bedf, y=dat$rowf, z=m1lo$residuals)
  wireframe(gamma ~ x*y, v7c, aspect=c(1,.5)) # Fig 7c

# }