Split-plot experiment of barley with fungicide treatments


A data frame with 560 observations on the following 6 variables.


yield, tonnes/ha


block, 4 levels


genotype, 70 levels


fungicide, 2 levels




bed (column)


Grown in 1995-1996 at the Scottish Crop Research Institute. Split-plot design with 4 blocks, 2 whole-plot fungicide treatments, and 70 barley varieties or variety mixes. Total area was 10 rows (north/south) by 56 beds (east/west).

Used with permission of Maria Durban.


Durban, Maria and Hackett, Christine and McNicol, James and Newton, Adrian and Thomas, William and Currie, Iain. 2003. The practical use of semiparametric models in field trials, Journal of Agric Biological and Envir Stats, 8, 48-66. https://doi.org/10.1198/1085711031265.


# \dontrun{

  dat <- durban.splitplot

  desplot(dat, yield~bed*row,
          out1=block, out2=fung, num=gen, # aspect unknown

  # Durban 2003, Figure 2
  m20 <- lm(yield~gen + fung + gen:fung, data=dat)
  dat$resid <- m20$resid
  ## libs(lattice)
  ## xyplot(resid~row, dat, type=c('p','smooth'), main="durban.splitplot")
  ## xyplot(resid~bed, dat, type=c('p','smooth'), main="durban.splitplot")

  # Figure 4 doesn't quite match due to different break points
  xyplot(resid ~ bed|factor(row), data=dat,

  # Figure 6 - field trend
  # note, Durban used gam package like this
  # m2lo <- gam(yield ~ gen*fung + lo(row, bed, span=.082), data=dat)
  m2lo <- gam(yield ~ gen*fung + s(row, bed,k=45), data=dat)
  new2 <- expand.grid(row=unique(dat$row), bed=unique(dat$bed))
  new2 <- cbind(new2, gen="G01", fung="F1")
  p2lo <- predict(m2lo, newdata=new2)
  wireframe(p2lo~row+bed, new2, aspect=c(1,.5),
            main="durban.splitplot - Field trend")

  libs(asreml) # asreml4
  # Table 5, variance components.  Table 6, F tests
  dat <- transform(dat, rowf=factor(row), bedf=factor(bed))
  dat <- dat[order(dat$rowf, dat$bedf),]
  m2a2 <- asreml(yield ~ gen*fung, random=~block/fung+units, data=dat,
                 resid =~ar1v(rowf):ar1(bedf))
#> Model fitted using the sigma parameterization.
#> ASReml 4.1.0 Fri Dec 17 15:17:10 2021
#>           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
#>  1       208.653           1.0    420 15:17:10    0.1 (3 restrained)
#> Log-likelihood decreased to  149.571 ; trying with reduced updates (0.757712)
#>  2       204.621           1.0    420 15:17:10    0.1
#>  3       215.185           1.0    420 15:17:10    0.0 (3 restrained)
#>  4       224.963           1.0    420 15:17:10    0.0 (2 restrained)
#>  5       231.997           1.0    420 15:17:10    0.0 (3 restrained)
#> Log-likelihood decreased to  199.331 ; trying with reduced updates (0.408715)
#>  6       234.142           1.0    420 15:17:10    0.1
#>  7       245.873           1.0    420 15:17:10    0.0
#>  8       280.158           1.0    420 15:17:10    0.0
#>  9       312.280           1.0    420 15:17:11    0.0
#> 10       328.542           1.0    420 15:17:11    0.0
#> 11       338.508           1.0    420 15:17:11    0.0
#> 12       343.036           1.0    420 15:17:11    0.0
#> 13       343.633           1.0    420 15:17:11    0.0
#> Warning: Log-likelihood not converged
#> Warning: Some components changed by more than 1% on the last iteration.
  m2a2 <- update(m2a2)
#> Model fitted using the sigma parameterization.
#> ASReml 4.1.0 Fri Dec 17 15:17:11 2021
#>           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
#>  1       343.701           1.0    420 15:17:11    0.1
#>  2       343.707           1.0    420 15:17:11    0.1 (1 restrained)
#>  3       343.714           1.0    420 15:17:11    0.0 (1 restrained)
#>  4       343.715           1.0    420 15:17:11    0.0 (1 restrained)
#> Warning: Some components changed by more than 1% on the last iteration.
#>              effect component std.error z.ratio bound  %ch
#>               block 0.0000002        NA      NA     B 93.7
#>          block:fung 0.01209    0.01634     0.74     P  0.7
#>               units 0.02463    0.002465   10        P  0  
#>         rowf:bedf!R 1                NA      NA     F  0  
#>  rowf:bedf!rowf!cor 0.8836     0.03721    24        U  0  
#>  rowf:bedf!rowf!var 0.1262     0.0452      2.8      P  0.2
#>  rowf:bedf!bedf!cor 0.9202     0.02869    32        U  0  
  ##             effect component std.error z.ratio bound 
  ##              block   0              NA      NA     B  NA
  ##         block:fung   0.01206  0.01512      0.8     P   0
  ##              units   0.02463  0.002465    10       P   0
  ##       rowf:bedf(R)   1              NA      NA     F   0
  ## rowf:bedf!rowf!cor   0.8836   0.03646     24       U   0
  ## rowf:bedf!rowf!var   0.1261   0.04434      2.8     P   0
  ## rowf:bedf!bedf!cor   0.9202   0.02846     32       U   0
#> Wald tests for fixed effects.
#> Response: yield
#> Terms added sequentially; adjusted for those above.
#>               Df Sum of Sq Wald statistic Pr(Chisq)    
#> (Intercept)    1   1051.96        1051.96 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> gen           69   1099.59        1099.59 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> fung           1     37.04          37.04 1.156e-09 ***
#> gen:fung      69     89.64          89.64   0.04816 *  
#> residual (MS)         1.00                             
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# }