Insecticide treatment effectiveness



A data frame with 36 observations on the following 3 variables.


insecticidal treatment




number of larvae


Nine treatments (including the control, T9) were used on four replicates. The number of living insect larvae were recorded.

The data show signs of non-normality, and a log transform was used by Gomez.


Gomez, K.A. and Gomez, A.A.. 1984, Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research. Wiley-Interscience. Page 300.

Used with permission of Kwanchai Gomez.




library(agridat) data(gomez.nonnormal1) dat <- gomez.nonnormal1 # Gomez figure 7.3 ## libs(dplyr) ## dat2 <- dat <!-- %&gt;% group_by(trt) --> ## dat2 <- summarize(dat2, mn=mean(larvae), rng=diff(range(larvae))) ## plot(rng ~ mn, data=dat2, ## xlab="mean number of larvae", ylab="range of number of larvae", ## main="gomez.nonnormal1") # Because some of the original values are less than 10, # the transform used is log10(x+1) instead of log10(x). dat <- transform(dat, tlarvae=log10(larvae+1)) # QQ plots for raw/transformed data libs(reshape2, lattice) qqmath( ~ value|variable, data=melt(dat), main="gomez.nonnormal1 - raw/transformed QQ plot", scales=list(relation="free"))
#> Using trt, rep as id variables
# Gomez table 7.16 m1 <- lm(tlarvae ~ rep + trt, data=dat) anova(m1)
#> Analysis of Variance Table #> #> Response: tlarvae #> Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) #> rep 3 0.9567 0.31889 3.6511 0.0267223 * #> trt 8 3.9823 0.49779 5.6995 0.0004092 *** #> Residuals 24 2.0961 0.08734 #> --- #> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Response: tlarvae ## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ## rep 3 0.9567 0.31889 3.6511 0.0267223 * ## trt 8 3.9823 0.49779 5.6995 0.0004092 *** ## Residuals 24 2.0961 0.08734