RCB experiment of rice, 12 varieties with leafhopper survival



A data frame with 36 observations on the following 3 variables.


genotype/variety of rice




percentage of surviving leafhoppers


For each rice variety, 75 leafhoppers were caged and the percentage of surviving insects was determined.

Gomez suggest replacing 0 values by 1/(4*75) and replacing 100 by 1-1/(4*75) where 75 is the number of insects.

In effect, this means, for example, that (1/4)th of an insect survived.

Because the data are percents, Gomez suggested using the arcsin transformation.


Gomez, K.A. and Gomez, A.A.. 1984, Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research. Wiley-Interscience. Page 307.

Used with permission of Kwanchai Gomez.




library(agridat) data(gomez.nonnormal3) dat <- gomez.nonnormal3 # First, replace 0, 100 values dat$thoppers <- dat$hoppers dat <- transform(dat, thoppers=ifelse(thoppers==0, 1/(4*75), thoppers)) dat <- transform(dat, thoppers=ifelse(thoppers==100, 100-1/(4*75), thoppers)) # Arcsin transformation of percentage p converted to degrees # is arcsin(sqrt(p))/(pi/2)*90 dat <- transform(dat, thoppers=asin(sqrt(thoppers/100))/(pi/2)*90) # QQ plots for raw/transformed data libs(reshape2, lattice) qqmath( ~ value|variable, data=melt(dat), main="gomez.nonnormal3 - raw/transformed QQ plot", scales=list(relation="free"))
#> Using gen, rep as id variables
m1 <- lm(thoppers ~ gen, data=dat) anova(m1) # Match Gomez table 7.25
#> Analysis of Variance Table #> #> Response: thoppers #> Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) #> gen 11 16838.7 1530.79 16.502 1.316e-08 *** #> Residuals 24 2226.4 92.77 #> --- #> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Response: thoppers ## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ## gen 11 16838.7 1530.79 16.502 1.316e-08 *** ## Residuals 24 2226.4 92.77