Hessian fly damage to wheat varieties



block factor, 4 levels

genotype factor, 16 wheat varieties


latitude, numeric


longitude, numeric


number of damaged plants


number of total plants


The response is binomial.

Each plot was square.


C. A. Gotway and W. W. Stroup. A Generalized Linear Model Approach to Spatial Data Analysis and Prediction Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 2, 157-178.



The GLIMMIX procedure. https://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/SAS/glimmix.pdf


# \dontrun{ library(agridat) data(gotway.hessianfly) dat <- gotway.hessianfly dat$prop <- dat$y / dat$n libs(desplot) desplot(dat, prop~long*lat, aspect=1, # true aspect out1=block, num=gen, cex=.75, main="gotway.hessianfly")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # spaMM package example libs(spaMM)
#> Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'registry': #> method from #> print.registry_field proxy #> print.registry_entry proxy
#> spaMM (Rousset & Ferdy, 2014, version 3.5.0) is loaded. #> Type 'help(spaMM)' for a short introduction, #> 'news(package='spaMM')' for news, #> and 'citation(spaMM)' for proper citation.
#> #> Attaching package: 'spaMM'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:mgcv': #> #> negbin
m1 = HLCor(cbind(y, n-y) ~ 1 + gen + (1|block) + Matern(1|long+lat), data=dat, family=binomial(), ranPars=list(nu=0.5, rho=1/.7)) summary(m1)
#> formula: cbind(y, n - y) ~ 1 + gen + (1 | block) + Matern(1 | long + lat) #> Estimation of lambda by Laplace REML approximation (p_bv). #> Estimation of fixed effects by Laplace ML approximation (p_v). #> Family: binomial ( link = logit ) #> ------------ Fixed effects (beta) ------------ #> Estimate Cond. SE t-value #> (Intercept) 2.1958 0.6424 3.4181 #> genG02 -0.5166 0.8296 -0.6227 #> genG03 -0.9161 0.8380 -1.0932 #> genG04 -1.8245 0.8010 -2.2777 #> genG05 -0.7466 0.8636 -0.8645 #> genG06 -1.5772 0.8311 -1.8977 #> genG07 -1.1878 0.8337 -1.4248 #> genG08 -2.2601 0.8212 -2.7523 #> genG09 -2.0346 0.7992 -2.5457 #> genG10 -1.2166 0.8583 -1.4175 #> genG11 -2.3692 0.8228 -2.8794 #> genG12 -1.9480 0.8070 -2.4139 #> genG13 -4.6014 0.9629 -4.7785 #> genG14 -3.2362 0.8525 -3.7960 #> genG15 -3.0618 0.8279 -3.6984 #> genG16 -4.1374 0.8887 -4.6554 #> --------------- Random effects --------------- #> Family: gaussian ( link = identity ) #> --- Correlation parameters: #> 2.rho 2.nu #> 1.428571 0.500000 #> --- Variance parameters ('lambda'): #> lambda = var(u) for u ~ Gaussian; #> block : 4.807e-08 #> long + lat : 0.8619 #> --- Coefficients for log(lambda): #> Group Term Estimate Cond.SE #> block (Intercept) -16.85 932.1 #> long + lat (Intercept) -0.1486 0.2781 #> # of obs: 64; # of groups: block, 4; long + lat, 64 #> ------------- Likelihood values ------------- #> logLik #> p_v(h) (marginal L): -129.594 #> p_beta,v(h) (ReL): -123.561
#> (Intercept) genG02 genG03 genG04 genG05 genG06 #> 2.1957920 -0.5166378 -0.9160873 -1.8245162 -0.7466366 -1.5771913 #> genG07 genG08 genG09 genG10 genG11 genG12 #> -1.1877620 -2.2600861 -2.0345601 -1.2165977 -2.3692284 -1.9480056 #> genG13 genG14 genG15 genG16 #> -4.6014047 -3.2361680 -3.0618020 -4.1374257
# The following line fails with "Invalid graphics state" # when trying to use pkgdown::build_site # filled.mapMM(m1) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Block random. See Glimmix manual, output 1.18. # Note: (Different parameterization) libs(lme4) l2 <- glmer(cbind(y, n-y) ~ gen + (1|block), data=dat, family=binomial, control=glmerControl(check.nlev.gtr.1="ignore")) coef(l2)
#> $block #> (Intercept) genG02 genG03 genG04 genG05 genG06 genG07 #> B1 1.507497 -0.1938602 -0.5408074 -1.434189 -0.2037025 -0.9783249 -0.6040858 #> B2 1.502923 -0.1938602 -0.5408074 -1.434189 -0.2037025 -0.9783249 -0.6040858 #> B3 1.493663 -0.1938602 -0.5408074 -1.434189 -0.2037025 -0.9783249 -0.6040858 #> B4 1.509754 -0.1938602 -0.5408074 -1.434189 -0.2037025 -0.9783249 -0.6040858 #> genG08 genG09 genG10 genG11 genG12 genG13 genG14 #> B1 -1.677434 -1.398435 -0.6817111 -1.462973 -1.45909 -3.55288 -2.507322 #> B2 -1.677434 -1.398435 -0.6817111 -1.462973 -1.45909 -3.55288 -2.507322 #> B3 -1.677434 -1.398435 -0.6817111 -1.462973 -1.45909 -3.55288 -2.507322 #> B4 -1.677434 -1.398435 -0.6817111 -1.462973 -1.45909 -3.55288 -2.507322 #> genG15 genG16 #> B1 -2.087175 -2.969689 #> B2 -2.087175 -2.969689 #> B3 -2.087175 -2.969689 #> B4 -2.087175 -2.969689 #> #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "coef.mer"
# }