Wheat varieties with heteroskedastic yields


A data frame with 52 observations on the following 3 variables.


environment, 13 levels


genotype, 4 levels




Yield of 4 varieties of wheat at 13 locations in Oklahoma, USA.

The data was used to explore variability between varieties.


F. A. Graybill, 1954. Variance heterogeneity in a randomized block design, Biometrics, 10, 516-520.


Hans-Pieter Piepho, 1994. Missing observations in the analysis of stability. Heredity, 72, 141--145. https://doi.org/10.1038/hdy.1994.20


# \dontrun{ library(agridat) data(graybill.heteroskedastic) dat <- graybill.heteroskedastic # Genotypes are obviously not homoscedastic boxplot(yield ~ gen, dat, main="graybill.heteroskedastic")
# Shukla stability variance of each genotype, same as Grubbs' estimate # Matches Piepho 1994 page 143. # Do not do this! Nowadays, use mixed models instead. libs("reshape2") datm <- acast(dat, gen~env)
#> Using yield as value column: use value.var to override.
w <- datm w <- sweep(w, 1, rowMeans(datm)) w <- sweep(w, 2, colMeans(datm)) w <- w + mean(datm) w <- rowSums(w^2) k=4; n=13 sig2 <- k*w/((k-2)*(n-1)) - sum(w)/((k-1)*(k-2)*(n-1)) ## sig2 ## G1 G2 G3 G4 ## 145.98 -14.14 75.15 18.25 var.shukla <- function(x,N){ # Estimate variance of shukla stability statistics # Piepho 1994 equation (5) K <- length(x) # num genotypes S <- outer(x,x) S1 <- diag(S) S2 <- rowSums(S) - S1 S[!upper.tri(S)] <- 0 # Make S upper triangular # The ith element of S3 is the sum of the upper triangular elements of S, # excluding the ith row and ith column S3 <- sum(S) - rowSums(S) - colSums(S) var.si2 <- 2*S1/(N-1) + 4/( (N-1)*(K-1)^2 ) * ( S2 + S3/(K-2)^2 ) return(var.si2) } # Set negative estimates to zero sig2[sig2<0] <- 0 # Variance of shukla stat. Match Piepho 1994, table 5, example 1 var.shukla(sig2,13)
#> G1 G2 G3 G4 #> 4069.3296 138.9424 1423.0797 306.5270
## G1 G2 G3 G4 ## 4069.3296 138.9424 1423.0797 306.5270 # }