Factorial experiment of cotton in Sudan.



A data frame with 144 observations on the following 6 variables.


a numeric vector




nitrogen level


sowing date


irrigation amount


spacing between plants


Experiment conducted in Sudan at the Gezira Research Farm in 1929-1930 and 1930-1931. The effects on yield of four factors was studied in all possible combinations.

Sowing dates in 1929: D1 = Jul 24, D2 = Aug 11, D3 = Sep 2, D4 = Sep 25.

Spacing: S1 = 25 cm between holes, S2 = 50 cm, S3 = 75 cm. The usual spacing is 50-70 cm.

Irrigation: I1 = Light, I2 = Medium, I3 = Heavy.

Nitrogen: N0 = None/Control, N1 = 600 rotls/feddan.

In each year there were 4*3*2*2=72 treatments, each replicated four times. The means are given here.

Gregory (1932) has two interesting graphics: 1. radial bar plot 2. photographs of 3D model of treatment means.


Gregory, FG and Crowther, F and Lambert, AR (1932). The interrelation of factors controlling the production of cotton under irrigation in the Sudan. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 22, 617-638. Table 1, 10. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021859600054137


Paterson, D. Statistical Technique in Agricultural Research, p. 211.


# \dontrun{ library(agridat) data(gregory.cotton) dat <- gregory.cotton # Main effect means, Gregory table 2 ## libs(dplyr) ## dat ## dat ## dat ## dat # Figure 2 of Gregory. Not recommended, but an interesting exercise. # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13887365 if(FALSE){ libs(ggplot2) d1 <- subset(dat, year=="Y1") d1 <- transform(d1, grp=factor(paste(date,nitrogen,water,spacing))) d1 <- d1[order(d1$grp),] # for angles # Rotate labels on the left half 180 deg. First 18, last 18 labels d1$ang <- 90+seq(from=(360/nrow(d1))/1.5, to=(1.5*(360/nrow(d1)))-360, length.out=nrow(d1))+80 d1$ang[1:18] <- d1$ang[1:18] + 180 d1$ang[55:72] <- d1$ang[55:72] + 180 # Lables on left half to right-adjusted d1$hjust <- 0 d1$hjust[1:18] <- d1$hjust[55:72] <- 1 gg <- ggplot(d1, aes(x=grp,y=yield,fill=factor(spacing))) + geom_col() + guides(fill=FALSE) + # no legend for 'spacing' coord_polar(start=-pi/2) + # default is to start at top labs(title="gregory.cotton 1929",x="",y="",label="") + # The bar columns are centered on 1:72, subtract 0.5 to add radial axes geom_vline(xintercept = seq(1, 72, by=3)-0.5, color="gray", size=.25) + geom_vline(xintercept = seq(1, 72, by=18)-0.5, size=1) + geom_vline(xintercept = seq(1, 72, by=9)-0.5, size=.5) + geom_hline(yintercept=c(1,2,3)) + geom_text(data=d1, aes(x=grp, y=max(yield), label=grp, angle=ang, hjust=hjust), size=2) + theme(panel.background=element_blank(), axis.title=element_blank(), panel.grid=element_blank(), axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.text.y=element_blank(), axis.ticks=element_blank() ) print(gg) } # }