Split-strip-plot of soybeans


A data frame with 160 observations on the following 8 variables.


block factor, 4 levels


plot number


cultivar factor, 4 levels


row spacing


population (thousand per acre)








Within each block, cultivars were whole plots. Withing whole plots, spacing was applied in strips vertically, and population was applied in strips horizontally.

Used with permission of David Holshouser at Virginia Polytechnic.


Schabenberger, Oliver and Francis J. Pierce. 2002. Contemporary Statistical Models for the Plant and Soil Sciences CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Page 493.


# \dontrun{ library(agridat) data(holshouser.splitstrip) dat <- holshouser.splitstrip dat$spacing <- factor(dat$spacing) dat$pop <- factor(dat$pop) # Experiment layout and field trends libs(desplot) desplot(dat, yield ~ col*row, out1=block, # unknown aspect main="holshouser.splitstrip")
desplot(dat, spacing ~ col*row, out1=block, out2=cultivar, # unknown aspect col=cultivar, text=pop, cex=.8, shorten='none', col.regions=c('wheat','white'), main="holshouser.splitstrip experiment design")
# Overall main effects and interactions libs(HH)
#> Loading required package: grid
#> Loading required package: multcomp
#> Loading required package: mvtnorm
#> Loading required package: survival
#> #> Attaching package: 'survival'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:boot': #> #> aml
#> The following object is masked from 'package:asreml': #> #> rats
#> Loading required package: TH.data
#> #> Attaching package: 'TH.data'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:MASS': #> #> geyser
#> Loading required package: gridExtra
#> #> Attaching package: 'gridExtra'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr': #> #> combine
#> #> Attaching package: 'HH'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:boot': #> #> logit
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:car': #> #> logit, vif
interaction2wt(yield~cultivar*spacing*pop, dat, x.between=0, y.between=0, main="holshouser.splitstrip")
## Schabenberger's SAS model, page 497 ## proc mixed data=splitstripplot; ## class block cultivar pop spacing; ## model yield = cultivar spacing spacing*cultivar pop pop*cultivar ## spacing*pop spacing*pop*cultivar / ddfm=satterth; ## random block block*cultivar block*cultivar*spacing block*cultivar*pop; ## run; ## Now lme4. This design has five error terms--four are explicitly given. libs(lme4) libs(lucid) m1 <- lmer(yield ~ cultivar * spacing * pop + (1|block) + (1|block:cultivar) + (1|block:cultivar:spacing) + (1|block:cultivar:pop), data=dat) vc(m1) ## Variances match Schabenberger, page 498.
#> grp var1 var2 vcov sdcor #> block:cultivar:pop (Intercept) <NA> 2.421 1.556 #> block:cultivar:spacing (Intercept) <NA> 1.244 1.116 #> block:cultivar (Intercept) <NA> 0.4523 0.6725 #> block (Intercept) <NA> 3.037 1.743 #> Residual <NA> <NA> 3.928 1.982
## grp var1 var2 vcov sdcor ## block:cultivar:pop (Intercept) <NA> 2.421 1.556 ## block:cultivar:spacing (Intercept) <NA> 1.244 1.116 ## block:cultivar (Intercept) <NA> 0.4523 0.6725 ## block (Intercept) <NA> 3.037 1.743 ## Residual <NA> <NA> 3.928 1.982 # }