Uniformity trial of wheat in Russia
Uniformity trial of wheat in Russia
A data frame with 480 observations on the following 3 variables.
row ordinate
column ordinate
yield, Pud per plot
The experiment was conducted in Russia at Ofrossimowka. This word "Ofrossimowka" appeared in the German text of Sapehin, but is otherwise extremely difficult to find. There may be alternate ways the actual Russian name is translated into German/English.
Likewise, the name "Jurowski" is very difficult to find and may have other transliterations.
Sapehin gives the original source as: Arbeiten d. Vers.-St. d. Russ. Ges. f. Zuckerind. 1913. which may expand to Arbeiten der Versuchsstationen der Russ. Ges. f. Zuckerindustrie. 1913.
Sepehin appendix says the plot size is "4 x 12 m^2". It is not clear which plot dimension is 4 m and which is 12 m. If 4m wide 12m tall, then field is 48m wide x 480m long. If 4m tall 12m wide, then field is 144m wide x 160m long. This seems much more likely.
Sapehin says the std dev is "21.8 pud". A "pud" is a Russian unit of weight equal to 16.38 kilograms.
Data converted by OCR from Sapehin and hand-checked by K.Wright.