Uniformity trial of rice at Lahore, Punjab, circa 2011.



A data frame with 288 observations on the following 3 variables.






yield, kg/m^2


Data by collected from the Rice Research Institute on a paddy yield trial. A single variety of rice was harvested in an area 12m x 24 m. Yield in kilograms was measured for each square meter. Masood et al report a low degree of similarity for neighboring plots.

Note, the Smith index calculations below match the results in the Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, but do not match the results in the American-Eurasian Journal, which seems to be the same paper and seems to refer to the same data. The results may simply differ by a scaling factor.

Field length: 24 plots x 1m = 24m.

Field width: 12 plots x 1m = 12m.

Used with permission of Asif Masood.


Masood, M Asif and Raza, Irum. 2012. Estimation of optimum field plot size and shape in paddy yield trial. Pakistan J. Agric. Res., Vol. 25 No. 4, 2012


Masood, M Asif and Raza, Irum. 2012. Estimation of optimum field plot size and shape in paddy yield trial. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research, 7, 264-269. Table 1. https://doi.org/10.5829/idosi.aejsr.2012.7.6.1926


# \dontrun{ library(agridat) data(masood.rice.uniformity) dat <- masood.rice.uniformity libs(desplot) desplot(dat, yield ~ col*row, flip=TRUE, tick=TRUE, aspect=24/12, # true aspect main="masood.rice.uniformity - yield heatmap")
libs(agricolae) libs(reshape2) dmat <- acast(dat, row~col, value.var='yield') index.smith(dmat, main="masood.rice.uniformity", col="red") # CVs match Table 3
# }