Leaves for cauliflower plants at different times in two years.


A data frame with 14 observations on the following 4 variables.


year factor


degree days above 32F


number of leaves


Numbers of leaves for 10 cauliflower plants in each of two years, and temperature degree-days above 32F, divided by 100.

The year is 1956-57 or 1957-58.

Over the data range shown, the number of leaves is increasing linearly. Extrapolating backwards shows that a linear model is inappropriate, and so a glm is used.


Roger Mead, Robert N Curnow, Anne M Hasted. 2002. Statistical Methods in Agriculture and Experimental Biology, 3rd ed. Chapman and Hall. Page 251.


Mick O'Neill. Regression & Generalized Linear (Mixed) Models. Statistical Advisory & Training Service Pty Ltd.


# \dontrun{ library(agridat) data(mead.cauliflower) dat <- mead.cauliflower dat <- transform(dat, year=factor(year)) m1 <- glm(leaves ~ degdays + year, data=dat, family=poisson) coef(m1)
#> (Intercept) degdays year1957 #> 3.49492453 0.08512651 0.21688760
## (Intercept) degdays year1957 ## 3.49492453 0.08512651 0.21688760 dat$pred <- predict(m1, type="response") libs(lattice) libs(latticeExtra) xyplot(leaves~degdays, data=dat, groups=year, type=c('p'), auto.key=list(columns=2), main="mead.cauliflower - observed (symbol) & fitted (line)", xlab="degree days", ylab="Number of leaves", ) + xyplot(pred~degdays, data=dat, groups=year, type=c('l'), col="black")
# }