Uniformity trial of sweet corn
Uniformity trials of sweet corn in Alberta, 1956.
Experiments were conducted at three locations in Southern Alberta at Lethbridge, Vauxhall, and Cranford in 1956. Plot layout was 32 rows, each 179 feet long, allowing 18 ten-foot plots per row. Rows were 3 feet apart, thinned to one foot between plants. A double guard row surrounded the entire plot. The same two persons were assigned to harvest the corn from all locations. All 576 plots were harvested in one day. Optimal plot sizes were found to be 10ft x 6ft or 20ft by 3ft. The R data uses row/column for plot/row.
Field width: 18 plots * 10 ft = 180 feet
Field length: 32 rows * 3 ft = 96 feet
Ib Libner Nonnecke. 1958. Yield variability of sweet corn and canning peas as affected by plot size and shape. Thesis at Oregon State College. https://hdl.handle.net/1957/23367