Uniformity trial of barley in Germany



A data frame with 1080 observations on the following 5 variables.


row ordinate


column ordinate


yield per plot


Uniformity trial of barley at Ihinger Hof farm, conducted by the University of Hohenheim, Germany, in 2007.

Note: The paper by Piepho says "The trial had 30 rows and 36 columns. Plot widths were 1.90 m along rows and 3.73 m along columns." However, the SAS code supplement to the paper, called "PBR_1654_sm_example1.sas", has row=1-36, col=1-30. We cannot determine which dimension is "row" and which is "column", and therefore cannot determine the actual dimensions of the field.


H. P. Piepho & E. R. Williams (2010). Linear variance models for plant breeding trials. Plant Breeding, 129, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0523.2009.01654.x




# \dontrun{ data(piepho.barley.uniformity) dat <- piepho.barley.uniformity libs(desplot) desplot(yield ~ col*row, dat, tick=TRUE, # aspect unknown main="piepho.barley.uniformity.csv")
#> Please use desplot(data,form) instead of desplot(form,data)
libs(asreml,dplyr) dat <- mutate(dat, x=factor(col), y=factor(row)) dat <- arrange(dat, x, y) # Piepho AR1xAR1 model (in random term, NOT residual) m1 <- asreml(data=dat, yield ~ 1, random = ~ x + y + ar1(x):ar1(y), residual = ~ units, na.action=na.method(x="keep") )
#> Model fitted using the gamma parameterization. #> ASReml 4.1.0 Fri Dec 11 17:49:49 2020 #> LogLik Sigma2 DF wall cpu #> 1 -2115.600 15.6955 1075 17:49:49 0.0 (3 restrained) #> 2 -2101.978 16.5258 1075 17:49:49 0.0 (3 restrained) #> 3 -2087.509 15.9315 1075 17:49:49 0.0 (3 restrained) #> 4 -2076.005 15.2437 1075 17:49:49 0.0 (3 restrained) #> 5 -2071.390 14.9905 1075 17:49:49 0.0 (3 restrained) #> 6 -2069.380 14.7343 1075 17:49:49 0.0 (2 restrained) #> 7 -2057.416 13.4665 1075 17:49:49 0.0 (1 restrained) #> 8 -2052.089 13.5044 1075 17:49:49 0.0 (1 restrained) #> 9 -2049.050 13.7143 1075 17:49:49 0.0 (1 restrained) #> 10 -2037.688 13.5521 1075 17:49:49 0.0 #> 11 -2035.168 13.8721 1075 17:49:49 0.0 #> 12 -2033.901 13.8242 1075 17:49:49 0.0 #> 13 -2033.512 13.6703 1075 17:49:49 0.0
#> Warning: Log-likelihood not converged
#> Warning: Some components changed by more than 1% on the last iteration.
m1 <- update(m1)
#> Model fitted using the gamma parameterization. #> ASReml 4.1.0 Fri Dec 11 17:49:49 2020 #> LogLik Sigma2 DF wall cpu #> 1 -2033.492 13.6383 1075 17:49:49 0.0 #> 2 -2033.491 13.6335 1075 17:49:49 0.0 #> 3 -2033.489 13.6212 1075 17:49:49 0.0 #> 4 -2033.489 13.6163 1075 17:49:50 0.0
# Match Piepho table 3, footnote 4: .9671, .9705 for col,row correlation # Note these parameters are basically at the boundary of the parameter # space. Questionable fit. libs(lucid) lucid::vc(m1)
#> effect component std.error z.ratio bound %ch #> x 0.7531 0.5642 1.3 P 0.1 #> y 1.2 0.7423 1.6 P 0.2 #> x:y 22.75 15.53 1.5 P 0.1 #> x:y!x!cor 0.9672 0.02536 38 U 0 #> x:y!y!cor 0.9708 0.01645 59 U 0 #> units!R 13.62 0.654 21 P 0
# }