Rapeseed yield multi-environment trial, 6 genotypes, 3 years, 14 loc, 3 rep


A data frame with 648 observations on the following 5 variables.


year, numeric: 87, 88, 89


location, 14 levels


rep, 3 levels


genotype, 6 levels


yield, kg/ha


The data are from the U.S. National Winter Rapeseed trials conducted in 1986, 1987, and 1988. Trial locations included Georgia (GGA, TGA), Idaho (ID), Kansas (KS), Mississippi (MS), Montana (MT), New York (NY), North Carolina (NC), Oregon (OR), South Carolina (SC), Tennessee (TN), Texas (TX), Virginia (VA), and Washington (WA).

SAS codes for the analysis can be found at https://webpages.uidaho.edu/cals-statprog/ammi/index.html

Electronic version from: https://www.uiweb.uidaho.edu/ag/statprog/ammi/yld.data

Used with permission of Bill Price.


Bahman Shafii and William J Price, 1998. Analysis of Genotype-by-Environment Interaction Using the Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Model and Stability Estimates. JABES, 3, 335--345. https://doi.org/10.2307/1400587


Matthew Kramer (2018). Using the Posterior Predictive Distribution as a Diagnostic Tool for Mixed Models. Joint Statistical Meetings 2018, Biometrics Section. https://www.ars.usda.gov/ARSUserFiles/3122/KramerProceedingsJSM2018.pdf


# \dontrun{ library(agridat) data(shafii.rapeseed) dat <- shafii.rapeseed dat$gen <- with(dat, reorder(gen, yield, mean)) dat$loc <- with(dat, reorder(loc, yield, mean)) dat$yield <- dat$yield/1000 dat <- transform(dat, rep=factor(rep), year=as.factor(as.character(year))) dat$locyr = paste(dat$loc, dat$year, sep="") # The 'means' of reps datm <- aggregate(yield~gen+year+loc+locyr, data=dat, FUN=mean) datm <- datm[order(datm$gen),] datm$gen <- as.character(datm$gen) datm$gen <- factor(datm$gen, levels=c("Bienvenu","Bridger","Cascade", "Dwarf","Glacier","Jet")) dat$locyr <- reorder(dat$locyr, dat$yield, mean) libs(lattice) # This picture tells most of the story dotplot(loc~yield|gen,group=year,data=dat, auto.key=list(columns=3), par.settings=list(superpose.symbol=list(pch = c('7','8','9'))), main="shafii.rapeseed",ylab="Location")
# AMMI biplot. Remove gen and locyr effects. m1.lm <- lm(yield ~ gen + locyr, data=datm) datm$res <- resid(m1.lm) # Convert to a matrix libs(reshape2) dm <- melt(datm, measure.var='res', id.var=c('gen', 'locyr')) dmat <- acast(dm, gen~locyr) # AMMI biplot. Figure 1 of Shafii (1998) biplot(prcomp(dmat), main="shafii.rapeseed - AMMI biplot")
# }