Uniformity trial of sorghum silage at Chillicothe, Texas, 1915.


A data frame with 2000 observations on the following 3 variables.




column / rod


yield, ounces


Grown near Chillicothe, TX in 1915. Rows 40 inches apart. Each row harvested in 1-rod (16.5 ft) lengths. East side higher yielding than west side. Yields are weight (ounces) of green forage each rod-row. Total area harvested: 100*40/12 = 333.33 feet by 20*16.5=330 feet.

Field width: 20 plots * 16.5 ft (1 rod) = 330 feet.

Field length: 100 plots * 40 in = 333 feet


Stephens, Joseph C. 1928. Experimental methods and the probable error in field experiments with sorghum. Journal of Agricultural Research, 37, 629--646. https://naldc.nal.usda.gov/catalog/IND43967516


# \dontrun{ library(agridat) data(stephens.sorghum.uniformity) dat <- stephens.sorghum.uniformity dat <- subset(dat, row>2 & row<99) # omit outer two rows # mean(dat$yield) # 180.27 # range(dat$yield) # 75,302 matches Stephens # densityplot(~dat$yield) # Stephens figure 3 # Aggregate 4 side-by-side rows. d4 <- dat d4$row2 <- ceiling((d4$row-2)/4) d4 <- aggregate(yield ~ row2+col, data=d4, FUN=sum) d4$row2 <- 25-d4$row2 # flip horizontally libs(desplot) grays <- colorRampPalette(c("#d9d9d9","#252525")) desplot(d4, yield ~ row2*col, aspect=333/330, flip=TRUE, # true aspect main="stephens.sorghum.uniformity", col.regions=grays(3), at=c(500,680,780,1000))
# Similar to Stephens Figure 7. North at top. East at right. # }