Phenotypic and genotypic data for a barley population of Steptoe x Morex. There were 150 doubled haploid crosses, evaluated at 223 markers. Phenotypic data wascollected on 8 traits at 16 environments.



steptoe.morex.pheno is a data.frame of phenotypic data with 2432 observations on 10 variables:


genotype factor with parents Steptoe and Morex, and 150 crosses SM1, SM2, ..., SM200. Not all 200 numbers were used.


environment, 16 levels


alpha amylase (20 Deg Units)


diastatic power (degree units)


heading date (julian days)


lodging (percent)


malt extract (percent)


plant height (centimeters)


grain protein (percent)


grain yield (Mt/Ha)

steptoe.morex.geno is a cross object from the qtl package with genotypic data of the 223 markers for the 150 crosses of Steptoe x Morex.


As described by Hayes et al (1993), a population of 150 barley doubled haploid (DH) lines was developed by the Oregon State University Barley Breeding Program for the North American Barley Genome Mapping Project. The parentage of the population is Steptoe / Morex.

Steptoe is the dominant feed barley in the northwestern U.S.

Morex is the spring U.S. malting quality standard.

Seed from a single head of each parent was used to create the F1, from which a set of 150 lines was developed.

Phenotypic values for the parents Steptoe and Morex are here:

There are 16 locations, The average across locations is in column 17. Not all traits were collected at every location. At each location, all 150 lines were included in block 1, a random subset of 50 lines was used in block 2.

The traits are: Alpha Amylase (20 Deg Units), Diastatic Power (Deg Units), Heading Date (Julian Days), Lodging (percent), Malt Extract (percent), Grain Protein (percent), Grain Yield (Mt/Ha).

Phenotypic values of the 150 lines in the F1 population are here:

Each trait is in a different file, in which each block of numbers represents one location.

The 223-markers Steptoe/Morex base map is here:

The data for these markers on the 150 lines is

These were hand-assembled (e.g. marker distances were cumulated to marker positions) into a .csv file which was then imported into R using qtl::read.cross. The class was manually changed from c('bc','cross') to c('dh','cross').

The marker data is coded as A = Steptoe, B = Morex, - = missing.

The pedigrees for the 150 lines are found here:


The Steptoe x Morex Barley Mapping Population. Map: Version 2, August 1, 1995 Accessed Jan 2015.

Data provided by the United States Department of Agriculture.


P.M. Hayes, B.H. Liu, S.J. Knapp, F. Chen, B. Jones, T. Blake, J. Franckowiak, D. Rasmusson, M. Sorrells, S.E. Ullrich, and others. 1993. Quantitative trait locus effects and environmental interaction in a sample of North American barley germplasm. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 87, 392--401.

Ignacio Romagosa, Steven E. Ullrich, Feng Han, Patrick M. Hayes. 1996. Use of the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction model in QTL mapping for adaptation in barley. Theor Appl Genet, 93, 30-37.

Piepho, Hans-Peter. 2000. A mixed-model approach to mapping quantitative trait loci in barley on the basis of multiple environment data. Genetics, 156, 2043-2050.

M. Malosetti, J. Voltas, I. Romagosa, S.E. Ullrich, F.A. van Eeuwijk. (2004). Mixed models including environmental covariables for studying QTL by environment interaction. Euphytica, 137, 139-145.


# \dontrun{ library(agridat) data(steptoe.morex.pheno) dat <- steptoe.morex.pheno # Visualize GxE of traits libs(lattice) redblue <- colorRampPalette(c("firebrick", "lightgray", "#375997")) levelplot(amylase~env*gen, data=dat, col.regions=redblue, scales=list(x=list(rot=90)), main="amylase")
## levelplot(diapow~env*gen, data=dat, col.regions=redblue, ## scales=list(x=list(rot=90)), main="diapow") ## levelplot(hddate~env*gen, data=dat, col.regions=redblue, ## scales=list(x=list(rot=90)), main="hddate") ## levelplot(lodging~env*gen, data=dat, col.regions=redblue, ## scales=list(x=list(rot=90)), main="lodging") ## levelplot(malt~env*gen, data=dat, col.regions=redblue, ## scales=list(x=list(rot=90)), main="malt") ## levelplot(height~env*gen, data=dat, col.regions=redblue, ## scales=list(x=list(rot=90)), main="height") ## levelplot(protein~env*gen, data=dat, col.regions=redblue, ## scales=list(x=list(rot=90)), main="protein") ## levelplot(yield~env*gen, data=dat, col.regions=redblue, ## scales=list(x=list(rot=90)), main="yield") # Calculate avg yield for each loc as in Romagosa 1996, table 3 # t(t(round(tapply(dat$yield, dat$env, FUN=mean),2))) # SKo92,SKg92 means in table 3 are switched. Who is right, him or me? # Draw marker map libs(qtl) data(steptoe.morex.geno) datg <- steptoe.morex.geno, main="steptoe.morex.pheno") # or just use plot()
# This is a very rudimentary example. # Fit a simple multi-environment mixed model libs(asreml) m1 <- asreml(yield ~ env, data=dat, random=~gen)
#> Model fitted using the gamma parameterization. #> ASReml 4.1.0 Fri Dec 11 17:50:12 2020 #> LogLik Sigma2 DF wall cpu #> 1 -826.109 0.664231 2416 17:50:13 0.0 #> 2 -821.409 0.656597 2416 17:50:13 0.0 #> 3 -817.325 0.647509 2416 17:50:13 0.0 #> 4 -815.816 0.641196 2416 17:50:13 0.0 #> 5 -815.601 0.638204 2416 17:50:13 0.0 #> 6 -815.600 0.637998 2416 17:50:13 0.0
libs(wgaim) qtl::plotMissing(datg)
# Create an interval object for wgaim dati <- wgaim::cross2int(datg, id="gen") # Whole genome qtl q1 <- wgaim::wgaim(m1, intervalObj=dati,"gen", na.action=na.method(x="include"))
#> Error in eval(baseModel$call$data): object 'dat' not found
#wgaim::linkMap(q1, dati) # Visualize wgaim::outStat(q1, dati) # outlier statistic
#> Error in wgaim::outStat(q1, dati): object 'q1' not found
summary(q1, dati) # Table of important intervals
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'summary': object 'q1' not found
# Chrom Left Marker dist(cM) Right Marker dist(cM) Size Pvalue # 3 ABG399 52.6 BCD828 56.1 0.254 0.000 45.0 # 5 MWG912 148 ABG387A 151.2 0.092 0.001 5.9 # 6 ABC169B 64.8 CDO497 67.5 -0.089 0.001 5.6 # }