Soybean balanced incomplete block experiment



A data frame with 186 observations on the following 5 variables.


block factor


genotype (variety) factor


yield (bu/ac)






Grown at Ames, Iowa in 1937. Each plot was 6 feet by 16 feet (2 rows, 3 feet apart). Including space between plots, the entire experiment was 252 ft x 96 feet (7 block * 6 plots * 6 feet = 252, 16*5 plots plus 4 gaps of 4 feet). Weiss shows a figure of the field (that was later doubled in dize via using two rows per plot).

Note that only 30 varieties were tested. Varieties 7 and 14 are the same variety (Mukden). Although total yields of these varieties were not equal, the correction for blocks adjusted their means to identical values. Such accuracy is not, however, claimed to be a constant characteristic of the design.

Field width: 96 feet

Field length: 252 feet


Weiss, Martin G. and Cox, Gertrude M. (1939). Balanced Incomplete Block and Lattice Square Designs for Testing Yield Differences Among Large Numbers of Soybean Varieties. Agricultural Research Bulletins, Nos. 251-259.


# \dontrun{ library(agridat) data(weiss.incblock) dat <- weiss.incblock # True aspect as shown in Weiss and Cox libs(desplot) desplot(dat, yield~col*row, text=gen, shorten='none', cex=.6, out1=block, aspect=252/96, # true aspect main="weiss.incblock")
# asreml # Standard inc block analysis used by Weiss and Cox libs(asreml) # asreml 4 m1 <- asreml(yield ~ gen + block , data=dat)
#> Model fitted using the gamma parameterization. #> ASReml 4.1.0 Mon Jan 11 17:08:51 2021 #> LogLik Sigma2 DF wall cpu #> 1 -192.991 3.58529 125 17:08:51 0.0
predict(m1, data=dat, classify="gen")$pvals
#> Model fitted using the gamma parameterization. #> ASReml 4.1.0 Mon Jan 11 17:08:51 2021 #> LogLik Sigma2 DF wall cpu #> 1 -192.991 3.58529 125 17:08:52 0.0 #> 2 -192.991 3.58529 125 17:08:52 0.0
#> #> Notes: #> - The predictions are obtained by averaging across the hypertable #> calculated from model terms constructed solely from factors in #> the averaging and classify sets. #> - Use 'average' to move ignored factors into the averaging set. #> - The simple averaging set: block #> #> #> gen predicted.value std.error status #> 1 G01 24.58925 0.8311545 Estimable #> 2 G02 26.92473 0.8311545 Estimable #> 3 G03 32.61828 0.8311545 Estimable #> 4 G04 26.96667 0.8311545 Estimable #> 5 G05 26.01828 0.8311545 Estimable #> 6 G06 31.98925 0.8311545 Estimable #> 7 G07 24.18925 0.8311545 Estimable #> 8 G08 27.60860 0.8311545 Estimable #> 9 G09 29.27634 0.8311545 Estimable #> 10 G10 24.44409 0.8311545 Estimable #> 11 G11 27.27957 0.8311545 Estimable #> 12 G12 29.24731 0.8311545 Estimable #> 13 G13 29.74086 0.8311545 Estimable #> 14 G14 24.17957 0.8311545 Estimable #> 15 G15 26.29570 0.8311545 Estimable #> 16 G16 25.77312 0.8311545 Estimable #> 17 G17 19.88280 0.8311545 Estimable #> 18 G18 25.80215 0.8311545 Estimable #> 19 G19 29.00215 0.8311545 Estimable #> 20 G20 33.17312 0.8311545 Estimable #> 21 G21 31.14086 0.8311545 Estimable #> 22 G22 25.26667 0.8311545 Estimable #> 23 G23 29.81505 0.8311545 Estimable #> 24 G24 33.70538 0.8311545 Estimable #> 25 G25 26.99247 0.8311545 Estimable #> 26 G26 27.25699 0.8311545 Estimable #> 27 G27 23.78925 0.8311545 Estimable #> 28 G28 26.53441 0.8311545 Estimable #> 29 G29 24.76667 0.8311545 Estimable #> 30 G30 35.99892 0.8311545 Estimable #> 31 G31 26.99892 0.8311545 Estimable
## gen pred.value std.error est.stat ## G01 24.59 0.8312 Estimable ## G02 26.92 0.8312 Estimable ## G03 32.62 0.8312 Estimable ## G04 26.97 0.8312 Estimable ## G05 26.02 0.8312 Estimable # }