The yield of oats from a split-plot field trial conducted at Rothamsted in 1931.

Varieties were applied to the main plots.

Manurial (nitrogen) treatments were applied to the sub-plots.

Each plot is 1/80 acre = 28.4 links * 44 links.

Field width: 4 plots * 44 links = 176 links.

Field length: 18 rows * 28.4 links = 511 links

The 'block' numbers in this data are as given in the Rothamsted Report. The 'grain' and 'straw' values are the actual pounds per sub-plot as shown in the Rothamsted Report. Each sub-plot is 1/80 acre, and a 'hundredweight (cwt)' is 112 pounds, so converting from sub-plot weight to hundredweight/acre needs a conversion factor of 80/112.

The 'yield' values are the values as they appeared in the paper by Yates, who used 1/4-pounds as the units (i.e. he multiplied the original weight by 4) for simpler calculations.







yield in 1/4 pounds per sub-plot, each 1/80 acre


nitrogen treatment in hundredweight per acre


genotype, 3 levels


block, 6 levels


grain weight in pounds per sub-plot


straw weight in pounds per sub-plot


Report for 1931. Rothamsted Experiment Station. Page 143.


Yates, Frank (1935) Complex experiments, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Suppl 2, 181-247. Figure 2.


# \dontrun{

  dat <- yates.oats

  ## # Means match Rothamsted report p. 144
  ## libs(dplyr)
  ## dat 
  ##   summarize(grain=mean(grain)*80/112,
  ##             straw=mean(straw)*80/112)

  # Experiment design & yield heatmap
  desplot(dat, block ~ col*row, col.regions=c("black","yellow"),
          out1=block, num=nitro, col=gen,
          cex=1, aspect=511/176, # true aspect

  # Roughly linear gradient across the field.  The right-half of each
  # block has lower yield.  The blocking is inadequate!
  xyplot(yield ~ col|factor(nitro), dat,
         type = c('p', 'r'), xlab='col', as.table = TRUE,

  # Typical split-plot analysis. Non-significant gen differences
  m3 <- lmer(yield ~ factor(nitro) * gen + (1|block/gen), data=dat)
  # Residuals still show structure
  xyplot(resid(m3) ~ dat$col, xlab='col', type=c('p','smooth'),
#> Warning: pseudoinverse used at 2
#> Warning: neighborhood radius 1
#> Warning: reciprocal condition number  0
#> Warning: There are other near singularities as well. 1
#> Warning: pseudoinverse used at 2
#> Warning: neighborhood radius 1
#> Warning: reciprocal condition number  0
#> Warning: There are other near singularities as well. 1
#> Warning: pseudoinverse used at 2
#> Warning: neighborhood radius 1
#> Warning: reciprocal condition number  0
#> Warning: There are other near singularities as well. 1
#> Warning: pseudoinverse used at 2
#> Warning: neighborhood radius 1
#> Warning: reciprocal condition number  0
#> Warning: There are other near singularities as well. 1
#> Warning: pseudoinverse used at 2
#> Warning: neighborhood radius 1
#> Warning: reciprocal condition number  0
#> Warning: There are other near singularities as well. 1

  # Add a linear trend for column
  m4 <- lmer(yield ~ col + factor(nitro) * gen + (1|block/gen), data=dat)
  # xyplot(resid(m4) ~ dat$col, type=c('p','smooth'), xlab='col')

  ## Compare fits
#>    df      AIC
#> m3 15 559.0285
#> m4 16 533.3343
  ##    df      AIC
  ## m3  9 581.2372
  ## m4 10 557.9424 # Substantially better

  # ----------

  # Marginal predictions from emmeans package and asreml::predict

  # --- nlme ---
  # create unbalance
  dat2 <- yates.oats[-c(1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55),]
  m5l <- lme(yield ~ factor(nitro) + gen, random = ~1 | block/gen,
             data = dat2)

  # asreml r 4 has a bug with asreml( factor(nitro))
  dat2$nitrof <- factor(dat2$nitro)

  # --- asreml4  ---
  m5a <- asreml(yield ~ nitrof + gen,
                random = ~ block + block:gen, data=dat2)
#> Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
#> ASReml 4.1.0 Fri Dec 17 15:17:52 2021
#>           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
#>  1      -202.393       297.150     57 15:17:52    0.0
#>  2      -198.059       229.020     57 15:17:52    0.0
#>  3      -194.582       178.247     57 15:17:52    0.0
#>  4      -193.036       152.265     57 15:17:52    0.0
#>  5      -192.591       140.059     57 15:17:52    0.0
#>  6      -192.551       137.448     57 15:17:52    0.0
#>  7      -192.550       137.136     57 15:17:52    0.0
#>         effect variance stddev
#>        block =       NA     NA
#>    (Intercept)    186    13.64
#>          gen =       NA     NA
#>  (Intercept).1    179.6  13.4 
#>       Residual    137.1  11.71
#>     effect component std.error z.ratio bound %ch
#>      block     186      167.4      1.1     P 0.1
#>  block:gen     179.6     99.63     1.8     P 0  
#>    units!R     137.1     29.93     4.6     P 0  

  emmeans::emmeans(m5l, "gen")
#>  gen        emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
#>  GoldenRain  103.4 8.37  5     81.9      125
#>  Marvellous  108.9 8.18  5     87.8      130
#>  Victory      97.3 8.18  5     76.3      118
#> Results are averaged over the levels of: nitro 
#> Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
#> Confidence level used: 0.95 
  predict(m5a, data=dat2, classify="gen")$pvals
#> Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
#> ASReml 4.1.0 Fri Dec 17 15:17:52 2021
#>           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
#>  1      -192.550       137.129     57 15:17:52    0.0
#>  2      -192.550       137.129     57 15:17:52    0.0
#>  3      -192.550       137.129     57 15:17:52    0.0
#> Notes:
#> - The predictions are obtained by averaging across the hypertable
#>   calculated from model terms constructed solely from factors in
#>   the averaging and classify sets.
#> - Use 'average' to move ignored factors into the averaging set.
#> - The simple averaging set: nitrof
#> - The ignored set: block
#>          gen predicted.value std.error    status
#> 1 GoldenRain       103.42039  8.368025 Estimable
#> 2 Marvellous       108.86384  8.183540 Estimable
#> 3    Victory        97.30395  8.183515 Estimable

  # ----------


    # Demonstrate use of regress package, compare to lme

    m6 <- regress(yield ~ nitrof + gen, ~block + I(block:gen), identity=TRUE,
                  verbose=1, data=dat)
    ## Variance Coefficients:
    ##                Estimate Std. Error
    ##   block         214.468    168.794
    ##   I(block:gen)  109.700     67.741
    ##   In            162.558     32.189

    # ordinal causes clash with VarCorr
    if(is.element("package:ordinal", search())) detach(package:ordinal)

    m7 <- lme(yield ~ nitrof + gen, random = ~ 1|block/gen, data=dat)
    ##             Variance     StdDev
    ## block =     pdLogChol(1)
    ## (Intercept) 214.4716     14.64485
    ## gen =       pdLogChol(1)
    ## (Intercept) 109.6929     10.47344
    ## Residual    162.5591     12.74987

# }