Uniformity trial of cotton
Uniformity trial of cotton harvested in 1941
A data frame with 2000 observations on the following 3 variables.
row ordinate
column ordinate
yield per plant, grams
The data are lint yield from single plants in a cotton uniformity trial in St. Vincent in 1940-41. The experiment was planted in 50 rows with 40 plants in each row. The spacing was 1.5 feet within rows and 4 feet between rows.
Field length: 40 plants * 1.5 feet = 60 feet
Field width: 50 columns * 4 feet = 200 feet
This data was made available with special help from the staff at Rothamsted Research Library.
Rothamsted library scanned the paper documents to pdf. K.Wright used the pdf to manually type the values into an Excel file and immediately checked the hand-typed values. Plants marked as "Dead" on the PDF were left blank. There were 6 numbers that were illegible in the PDF. These were also left blank.