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Data from Tosh




An object of class data.frame with 15 rows and 3 columns.


Tosh, J. J., and J. W. Wilton. (1990). Degree of connectedness in mixed models. Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Genetics applied to Livestock Production, 480-483. Page 481.


A dataframe with 3 treatment factors. The treatment combinations form 2 disconnected groups.


      .group=con_check(data_tosh, ~ a + b + c))
#>    a b c .group
#> 1  1 1 1      1
#> 2  1 1 6      1
#> 3  1 2 1      1
#> 4  1 2 2      1
#> 5  1 2 4      1
#> 6  2 1 1      1
#> 7  2 1 6      1
#> 8  2 2 2      1
#> 9  2 2 6      1
#> 10 1 3 3      2
#> 11 1 3 5      2
#> 12 1 4 3      2
#> 13 2 3 3      2
#> 14 2 3 5      2
#> 15 2 4 5      2
data_tosh = transform(data_tosh,
  y = rnorm(nrow(data_tosh), mean=100))
con_view(data_tosh, y ~ b * c)
#> Warning: There are 2 groups