The palette is converted to RGB or LUV coordinates and plotted in a three-dimensional scatterplot. The LUV space is probably better, but it is easier to tweak colors by hand in RGB space.
What to look for:
A good palette has colors that are spread somewhat uniformly in 3D.
Note: The rgl package is NOT included in "Depends" for the pals package because it can cause problems for people. You might have to manually install rgl with install.packages.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
pal.cube(glasbey, n=32) # RGB, blues are too close to each other
pal.cube(glasbey, n=32, type="LUV")
pal.cube(cols25(25), type="LUV", label=TRUE)
# To open a second cube # Open a new RGL device = "white") # Setup the background color
pal.cube(colors()[c(1:152, 254:260, 362:657)]) # All R non-grey colors
} # }